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× Մեր զրուցարանը` https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEKlO65OO3duA622tg
This channel is mostly about data related stuff, some of the main topics are #DataEngineering #SQL #Python #cloud .
Contact: @gorros
Contact: @gorros
Web: fip.am
FB: fb.me/fiparmenia
IG: instagr.am/fiparmenia
TW: twitter.com/fiparmenia
YT: youtube.com/c/FIPFactInvestigationPlatform
FB: fb.me/fiparmenia
IG: instagr.am/fiparmenia
TW: twitter.com/fiparmenia
YT: youtube.com/c/FIPFactInvestigationPlatform